Embellished Elephant

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Stitch Showcase: Leaf Stitch

This is a version of satin stitch used, not surprisingly, to fill in leaf shapes. It helps to draw guidelines for the shape of the leaf, the centre line and indicating the angle the stitches will follow working down the leaf.

  • To start make one stitch from the top point of the leaf to the centre of the leaf (A)

  • Work satin stitch into that same finishing point for a few stitches (B and C). The angles will gradually change until the stitches are at the angle to be used for the rest of the leaf

  • Continue working down the leaf. My preference is to alternate from one side to the other but this stitch could also be worked on one side first

  • Make sure that your stitches meet neatly in the middle (if they don't they can be covered up with some split stitches)

These are pictures from the first couple of embroidery projects that I stitched when I started to immerse myself in this wonderful craft.

On the greenhouse picture you can see that the outside edge of the leaves isn’t quite a smooth finish. On the Monstera leaf picture the angles of stitches are all over the place.

It was only after I stitched these that I learned about how much guidelines help with this stitch! Also a reminder to keep practicing and you will improve.

Want to try this stitch? It’s one I recommend using in my tulip kit.

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