Anni Albers Inspiration

For one of the modules for my the City & Guilds course I was completing, I had to choose a theme and an inspirational artist. The theme I chose was ‘blocks’ and having visited the Tate Modern Exhibition of her work in 2018, I decided to choose Anni Albers as the artist because as a weaver her work was often blocks or other geometric shapes.

Having started my creative journey mostly practicing bead weaving I always keep an eye out for geometric gridded styles of artwork as I used these for inspiration for my beadwork so I was naturally drawn to Anni’s work as a weaver.

More recently I’ve been drawn to mid-century modern styles of embroidery and Anni’s work once again came to mind.

What I particularly loved about this exhibition was the amount or preparatory drawings that were included. Normally with fine artists the preparatory drawings don’t mean much to me as I don’t have the level of drawing skills or understanding about what goes into producing a painting or drawing. With Anni’s work I could see the connection between the drawing and the finished item much more clearly.
