Embroidery supply bundles

Not currently on sale, email me if you’d like this bundle.


Embroidery is such a great craft to try. It doesn't need many supplies and it's really portable, meaning stitching can take place just as easily on your sofa as on a train or a beach.

If you are interested in learning the wonderful craft of embroidery then this bundle is perfect for you. This kit gives you all the embroidery supplies you need to get started with embroidery. It also makes a great gift for someone crafty.

The standard bundle includes:
- 4 inch bamboo embroidery hoop:
- 14 skeins of 100% cotton embroidery floss (white, red, light orange, dark orange, yellow, light green, dark green, light blue, dark blue, light purple, dark purple, light pink, bright pink, brown)
- 2 squares of cotton fabric
- embroidery needle
- a choice of one of my embroidery patterns & guidance

The large bundle includes all of the above plus:
- stork embroidery scissors
- heat erasable Frixon pen
- choice of an extra one of my embroidery patterns & guidance

Patterns you can choose from include
- lavender
- rose
- bluebell
- tulip
- crocus

Let me know which pattern(s) you'd like included in the box before you checkout.

Why not download my free Getting Started With Embroidery 20 page ebook to go with your supply bundle.