Andy Warhol Inspiration

In between lockdowns I was able to visit Tate Modern to see the Andy Warhol exhibition. Normally, I avoid exhibitions at the Tate Modern as they are crowded and I feel I can’t take the time I want to read the captions or enjoy the pieces. With social distancing measures in place, I had the time and space I normally crave.


I’ve seen several Andy Warhol exhibitions before, the first was in Vancouver in 1995, and a number of the pieces from that exhibition were included in this one (Coco Cola bottles, Soup Cans, Marilyn’s) but these were either pieces that I hadn’t seen in the intervening 25 years or new takes on them - such as the Marilyn lips.


There was also a focus on this exhibition of Andy’s sexuality and his links with queer culture. There was one room full of his work that I’d never seen before, screen prints of drag queens and transsexuals he had met and invited into his studio.


The last room held his huge final work, repeated images of the last supper, the immense scale of this piece was impressive and impactful.
