Recycled materials embroidery

I work a lot with recycled fabric such as old sheets and old shirts.

For my third and final assessed piece for my embroidery course we had a choice of six design briefs and when I saw the brief involving recycled materials I knew that was the brief for me. The brief involved designing something to hang in the foyer of the local council to promote recycling by showcasing what recycled materials could be turned into. The focus was on paper and plastic and the design I came up with was based around the recycle arrow symbol and a world map. To bring in the element about what recycled materials could be turned into around the edge were embroidered words of things that could be made.

I really loved working with the paper scraps and stitching these together, I think this created a great effect, as for the plastic and wording I would have taken this off as it looked much better without it, but it was needed to fulfil the brief!
