Embellished Elephant

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Stitch showcase: Whipped Running Stitch

This stitch uses running stitch as a foundation and then weaves thread in and out of the running stitches on the surface of the fabric. Double whipped running stitch creates a fabulous looped chain-like effect.

  • Start by stitching running stitch along the full length of the line

  • To add the ‘whipped’ detail, bring the needle up at the end of the last running stitch (A)

  • Pass the needle under the first stitch (B)

  • Repeat this process making sure that the 'whipping’ thread always moves in the same direction eg always from (C) to (D)

  • This will give a great wave pattern which can be pulled tight or left looser.

On the first sample below there are two examples of whipped running stitch. On the right hand side you can see the effect of using a thicker thread for the ‘whipping’ stitch compared to the base running stitch. On the left hand side you can see a much more open wave created by the distance between the individual running stitches.

For the second sample below and in the pink sample at the top of the page you can see the wave of this stitch really clearly. I’ve left the wrapped thread looser to create this wave effect. Sometimes a tiny couching stitch is needed to hold the wave down closer to the fabric.

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